

When drugs are taken in any form, traces end up in the urine within a very short time. Depending on the drugs taken, they will remain in the urine for days or weeks depending on which drug. If drugs are present, we will identify them. H.P.C Testing Services performs a 5-panel DOT and 5-panel non-DOT drug testing, plus a 7-panel non-DOT drug test including urine alcohol, or any combination thereof, as required by the employer. The basic 5-panel DOT screen, tests for Cannabinoids (marijuana, THC), PCP, Opiates (opium, heroin, morphine, codeine), Cocaine, and Amphetamines (METH). A 10-panel screen, tests for the basic five abusive drugs, plus Barbiturates (downers), Benzodiazephines (tranquilizers, Valium), Urine specimens are collected daily and sent to a laboratory Federally certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and DOT. Highly trained and certified collection technicians follow strict Chain-of-Custody procedures.


As an alternative to sending a urine specimen to a certified laboratory, However ,I do not recommend this method due to the possibility of false negative or positive drug test results. And while approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, they are not approved for DOT testing. Although, they are particularly useful to employers who wish to test their prospective employees immediately so the individual can go to work right away, however if here is a false negative then you might have a problem with the person in the future. And if you have a false positive you will have to send it to the lab for confirmation, at an added expense. H.P.C. delivers fast and accurate results with a turn around time of next day for negatives and two to three days for positives.



DOT and non-DOT alcohol testing is conducted using the DOT approved "Lifeloc Technologies Phoenix " evidential breath testing device, which gives accurate test results including a printed confirmation. All of H.P.C. collectors are Certified Breath Alcohol Technicians.


Radioimmunoassay(a clinical science) of hair is a new drug screening process that can determine an individual’s drug history, not just the amount of drugs present in the body at the time of testing, but over a period of months(for every two an a half inches of hair is equal to 90 days ). H.P.C offers this service to customer’s who want this type of historical reading.